Tuesday, July 10, 2012

QlikView : Avoid NULL Value in Listbox

Add this function in ListBox Property function box,
=if(isnull(field name),'N/A',value or field name)


1 comment:

  1. This really is extremely cool. I’ve been appearing thru a bunch on-line and additionally really loved this variation.
    Star Schema with In-Memory Tools in qlik view

    •Identify attributes that are present in each fact record
    •Define categories of these attributes: Geography, Product,Person, Customer, Vendor, Industry, Period (Dates)
    •Each of these categories are potentially a dimension group
    –Hierarchical ones - like Geography - can be DRILL GROUPS –Non-hierarchical ones - like Product categories - can by CYCLICGROUPS.
    thanks.qlikview training in hyderabad
